Amazingly useful resource, but currently THE BANE of my existence.

Org charts provide a lot of value. From explaining how your business operates to stakeholders to mapping out how different units within your organization interact with each other.

They’re also a really good example of how an organization needs to think in the short and long term.

Org charts can be easily made with a tool like PowerPoint. The learning curve is easy and charts are easily customizable. But it’s a very manual process. So overall good for a smaller organization. But once you get past, say 50 employee, you should start thinking about the trade offs between a more robust org chart tool and the one you’ve already been using. The learning curve might be larger and the customization of its design might not be what you’ve come accustomed to, but in the end it could save a lot of time. It’s up to you to weigh the pros and cons, but the one thing you shouldn’t do is be locked into one tool or method or process just because you’ve always done it that way.